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. 2018 Feb 27;18:7. doi: 10.1186/s40644-018-0141-0

Table 3.

Preoperative imaging features of 6 cases with hepatic carcinosarcoma

Case NO. Imaging protocol Site (segment) Shape Margin Density/intensity Calcification Hemorrhage Cystic/necrotic change Capsule Heterogeneity Enhancement Imaging diagnosis
1 CT 2,3,4 Multilobular Clear Hypo + + Heterogeneous, Hyper HCC
2 CT 4 Multilobular Unclear Hypo + + Heterogeneous Hyper HCC
3 CT 5 Bulky Unclear Hypo + Heterogeneous Hyper HCC
4 MRI 2,3 Multilobular Clear Hypo-T1WI
+ + Heterogeneous Hyper CCC
5 CT 5,6 Multilobular Unclear Hypo + Heterogeneous Hypo HCC
6 CT 6,7,8 Bulky Unclear Hypo + + Heterogeneous Hypo HCC
Case NO. Vascular invasion Nodule enlargement Invasion into adjacent organs Bile duct dilation Bile duct thrombi Fluids
2 + +
3 + +/ Gastric wall and gall bladder
4 + +
6 + + +/ Right adrenal gland +

Abbreviation: “+” yes/present/positive, “-” no/absent/negative, AP arterial phase, PP portal venous phase, HCC hepatocellular carcinoma, CCC cholangiocellular carcinoma, Hypo hypodense/hypointense/hypovascular, Hyper hyperdense/hyperintense/hypervascular