Fig. 1.
Structural model of the TRAF6 RING-ZF1 dimer in complex with the Ubc13∼Ub conjugate. (A) Domain organization of TRAF6. ZF1-ZF4, Zinc Fingers 1–4. (B) Ribbon diagram of the TRAF6/Ubc13-Ub ternary complex, showing the cis- and trans-interactions between RING-ZF1 and a donor-Ub. (C) Detailed interactions at the trans-interface between TRAF6 (green) and Ub (magenta). (D) Superposition of BIRC7/UbcH5b∼Ub onto TRAF6/Ubc13∼Ub. When one protomer of the BIRC7/UbcH5b∼Ub dimer is overlaid with that of the TRAF6/Ubc13∼Ub dimer, the symmetric protomers show different relative positions. (E) Detailed interactions at the Ub-binding site of TRAF6 (green) equivalent to that of BIRC7 (gray). (F) Ribbon diagram of the TRAF6/Ubc13∼Ub/Ube2V2/acceptor Ub complex, showing the structural basis for Lys63 Ub chain synthesis. (G) Detailed view of the donor Ub and acceptor Ub.