S-phase-specific R2 redistribution requires Cdc28 (CDK) but not Cdc7 (DDK). (A) Wild-type, cdc7Δ mcm5-bob1, and cdc7Δ dbf4Δ mcm5-bob1 cells were synchronized in G1 phase before being released into the first S phase. Cells were harvested at 30 min and 60 min after the release and processed for flow cytometry (top) and immunofluorescence and quantitative analyses of Rnr4 subcellular localization patterns (bottom) as described in the legend to Fig. 1. (B) Asynchronously grown cdc28-as1 cells were synchronized in G1 and split into seven equal parts. One was harvested in G1, and another was collected 30 min after being released from G1, when cells entered S phase. For the remaining five cultures, 1-NM-PP1 was added at the indicated time points post-G1 release, and cells were collected 45 min post-G1 release for flow cytometry (left) and immunofluorescence and quantitative analyses of Rnr4 subcellular localization patterns (right) as described in the legend to Fig. 1.