Figure 6.
A complex somatic rearrangement. These tumor samples show distinct rearrangements in the same genomic region harbouring the FGFR2 gene (Chr10: 122–124 MB). In MetR2721 (A), the rearrangement was resolved to a somatic inversion-amplification haplotype. A total of 146 and 141 molecules supported the two junction breakpoints formed by the inversion. In MetL2725 (B), the rearrangement was resolved to multiple parallel haplotypes. The two major haplotypes were two duplications with their breakpoints red circled in the plot. A total of 71 and 41 molecules supported the duplication junction breakpoints. The coverage changes in the region also confirmed these events. The same region from the matched Norm2386 shows no alteration, which is shown as an inset in subfigure (A).