Results of the MEOP rate equations obtained using the same computer code as in (Batz et al., 2011) for typical operating conditions: 0.5 mbar 3He gas, T = 293 K, B = 1 mT, nm = 1.2 × 1010 cm−3,
. Atoms of all velocity classes are pumped with the same rates γij (see text). (a) Distributions of the 23S populations ai for C8, σ+ optical pumping and γij = γ/10, γ, and 10γ (bars from left to right and from light grey to black in each group) Surrounding red boxes are the spin-temperature populations. (b) Computed absorption coefficients are plotted as functions of reduced pumping rates for C8 and C9 optical pumping and different nuclear polarizations (see legend). For C9 the two pumping rates for the two pumped sublevels jointly scale with the pumping light intensity, with a fixed ratio T1,18/T2,17 = 3. Introducing Tij in the horizontal scales makes the reduced pumping rates identically proportional to the pump intensity. (c) Differences between nuclear polarizations in the 23S and ground states are plotted as a functions of PHe for C8 and C9 pumping and different reduced pumping rates (see legend)