Fig. 5.
Compromising the metaphase spindle stability is sufficient to enhance the formation of dynamic nrMTs. a–d Cells with the indicated genotype (see Supplementary Table 1) were arrested in metaphase, nrMTs were visualized via Dad1-GFP and their length and number was determined. e, f nrMTs that are formed as a result of Stu1 sequestering at uaKTs or Stu1 depletion exhibit in both cases high dynamic instability. Cells were arrested in metaphase and nrMTs were visualized via Dad1-GFP. WT cells with an uaKT (produced as in Fig. 2) that had sequestered at least 55% of the localized Stu1, or Stu1-depleted (‘∆stu1’) cells were analyzed at 20 s intervals. b–e Statistics, see Supplementary Table 3. f White arrowheads mark the MT plus ends