Figure 1. Application of 4AP + EAA blockers induces GABA‐mediated synchronous network activity.
A, bath application of 4AP + EAA induces spontaneous synchronized network activity in PYRs. An arrow indicates the start of drug wash‐on. B, upper: representative traces showing spontaneous and electrically evoked LLDs in a PYR. Electrical stimulation evokes activity of similar amplitude to spontaneous LLDs but smaller in duration and AUC. An arrow indicates the time of stimulation. Lower: quantitative comparison of electrically evoked versus spontaneously occurring LLDs. Mean ± SEM are shown, as well as the results from individual cells. C, example traces of evoked LLDs in presence of 4AP + EAA blockers with and without GABA receptor antagonists. An arrow indicates the timing of stimulation. D, calculation of LLD reversal potential. * P < 0.05, paired t test. Each shape represents an individual cell. Error bars are the mean ± SEM. [Color figure can be viewed at]