Table 1.
Parameters of the simulation and neuron model.
Parameter | Symbol | Value |
Number of neurons | N | 12500 |
Number of excitatory neurons | N E | 10000 |
Number of inhibitory neurons | N I | 2500 |
Incoming excitatory connections per inhibitory neuron | C E | 1000 |
Incoming inhibitory connections per neuron | C I | 250 |
Reference weight | J | 0.1 mV |
Ratio inhibition to excitation | g | 8 |
Excitatory weight | J E | 0.1 mV |
Inhibitory weight | J I | −0.8 mV |
External weight | J ext | 0.1 mV |
Rate of external input | ν ext | 15 kHz |
Membrane time constant | τ m | 20 ms |
Synaptic delay | d | 1.5 ms |
Threshold potential | V th | 20 mV |
Reset potential | V r | 10 mV |
Refractory period | t ref | 2 ms |