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. 2018 Feb 21;5(2):171791. doi: 10.1098/rsos.171791

Table 1.

G tests for whether juveniles matched the duet codes of the parents by answering with the same phrase type as their same-sex parent to each of the phrase types of their opposite-sex parent. M = phrases from juveniles that matched the same-sex adult phrase type, NM = phrases from juveniles that did not match the same-sex adult phrase type, EM = expected matches, ENM = expected non-matches.

individual M NM total EM ENM G d.f. p
G2F 2013 21 9 30 3.75 26.25 53.088 1 <0.0001
G2M 2013 18 17 35 4.375 30.625 30.908 1 <0.0001
H1M 2012 25 3 28 3.5 24.5 85.705 1 <0.0001
L2F 2013 52 1 53 6.625 46.375 206.61 1 <0.0001
PAEBF 2013 17 4 21 2.625 18.375 51.319 1 <0.0001
PAEBM 2013 24 2 26 3.25 22.75 86.245 1 <0.0001
G2F 2016 50 2 52 6.5 45.5 191.52 1 <0.0001
G2M 2016 95 3 98 12.25 85.75 369.07 1 <0.0001
G4 F 2015 42 5 47 5.875 41.125 144.15 1 <0.0001
G4 M 2015 24 3 27 3.375 23.625 81.777 1 <0.0001
BG1 M 2015 41 7 48 6 42 132.5 1 <0.0001
LS2 F 2016 18 6 24 3 21 49.47 1 <0.0001
LS2 M 2016 4 3 7 0.875 6.125 7.876 1 <0.005
Gtotal 1490.2 13 <0.0001
Gpooled 1424.6 1 <0.0001
Gheterogeneity 65.678 12 <0.0001