Figure 6.
Generation of OLs from Different Lines Including MS and fALS Patients
(A) Heatmaps of qRT-PCR analysis performed at different stages of OPC/OL differentiation induced by SOX10 overexpression comparing the eight different hPSCs used: four lines derived from healthy donors (hESC-H9, hiPSCs ChiPSC6b, Sigma, and BJ1), two from primary progressive MS patients (PPMS-102 and -104), and two from patients with familial ALS with mutations in SOD1 (fALS-SOD1 A4V) and C9orf72 (fALS-C9orf72) (SOX10e = endogenous SOX10).
(B) O4 expression by FACS of the eight hPSC lines analyzed after 10 days in OL differentiation medium.
(C) Quantification of the total percentage of MBP+ cells.
(D) Representative images of MBP+ OLs obtained after 10 days from the eight hPSC lines.
Hoechst 33258 (blue) was used as nuclear marker. Scale bars: 50 μm.
Data represented as mean ± SEM of N = 3 independent experiments per line.