Extended Data Figure 8. Metagenomic features abundances significantly associated with host phenotype.
a, b, Significant associations of nontrivial effect size (FDR < 0.1 and |β| > 0.01) in a multivariate linear model (significance and coefficients in Supplementary Table 5) between taxon abundances (a) and pathway abundances (b). All detected associations are independent of all other metadata, including whether the subject was breastfed, the subject’s broad dietary characterization, temperature, introitus pH, posterior fornix pH, gender, age, ethnicity, study day processed, sequencing centre, clinical centre, number of quality bases, percentage of human reads, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse, whether the subject had given birth, HMP1/HMP1-II, and BMI (group sizes in Extended Data Table 1; see Methods). Non-significant associations here should not be considered evidence of no association.