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. 2018 Feb 28;13(2):e0193533. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193533

Table 1. Characteristics of the three included studies reporting the association of palm oil consumption and CHD risk.

Author (Year) Country Years of study Population studied Exposure Disease ascertainment Disease outcome Sample size: cases/ control Usage of palm oil for cooking OR (95%CI) Covariate adjustments
Kabagambe (2003) [19] Costa Rica 1995–1998 Adult Hispanic Americans of Mestizo background, living in Costa Rica Total SFA, Palmitic acid, stearic acid, lauric acid, myristic acid MI diagnosed according to the WHO criteria a Non-fatal first acute MI 485/ 508 36% Total SFAb: 3.00 (1.54, 5.84) Smoking status, alcohol intake, diabetes, hypertension, angina, waist-to-hip ratio, physical activity, SES, years in current residence, dietary fibre intake, total energy, cholesterol, per cent energy from protein, MUFA, PUFA and trans-fat
Palmitic acidb: 2.76 (1.39, 5.47)
Stearic acidb: 3.96 (1.95, 8.01)
Fried foods b: 1.06 (0.59, 1.91)
Meat and pork b: 1.69 (0.93, 3.06)
Kabagambe (2005) [20] Costa Rica 1995–2004 Adult Hispanic Americans of Mestizo background, living in Costa Rica Type of vegetable oil: palm oil, soybean, other oilsc MI diagnosed according to the WHO criteria Non-fatal first acute MI 2111/ 2111 30% cases, 23% controls PO vs SO (22% trans-fat): 1.16 (0.86, 1.56) Smoking status, alcohol intake, diabetes, hypertension, abdominal obesity, physical activity, income
PO vs SO (5% trans-fat): 1.33 (1.09, 1.62)
PO vs other oils: 1.26 (1.02, 1.55)
Martinez-Ortíz (2006) [21] Costa Rica 1994–1998 Adult Hispanic Americans of Mestizo background, living in Costa Rica Dietary pattern: staple, vegetabled MI diagnosed according to the WHO criteria Non-fatal first acute MI 496/ 518 37% Staple patterne: 3.53 (1.98, 6.31) Age, sex, area of residence, total energy intake, smoking status, household income, physical activity, waist-to-hip ratio, diabetes, and hypertension
Vegetable patterne: 0.92 (0.57, 1.50)

CI: Confidence interval, CHD: Coronary heart disease, MI: Myocardial infarction, MUFA: Mono-unsaturated fatty acid, OR: Odds ratio, PO: Palm oil, PUFA: Polyunsaturated fatty acid, SFA: Saturated fatty acids, SES: Socioeconomic status, SO: Soybean oil, WHO: World Health Organisation.

a Typical symptoms of myocardial infarction and elevations in cardiac enzyme levels or diagnostic changes in electrocardiogram

b Risk estimates of the fifth quintile of dietary intake as compared to the lowest quintile of dietary intake

c Other oils were sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, canola oil, and less common oils and fats. Percentage of usage in cases and controls were 10% and 11% for soybean oil with 22% trans fat, 39% and 41% for soybean oil with 5% trans fat, and 21% and 25% for other oils, respectively

d Staple pattern diet was characterised by increasing intake of palm oil, legumes, refined grains, fresh condiments, coffee, red meat, added sugar, and organ meat, and decreasing intake of other oils, fruit juices, dressings, cold breakfast cereals, pizza, skinless and lean chicken, and low-fat dairy products. Vegetable pattern diet was characterised by higher intake of all vegetables, fruits, skinless and lean chicken, and saccharin, and lower intake of added sugar, chicken and coffee.

e Risk estimates of the fifth quintile of factor scores as compared to the lowest quintile of factor scores based on the principal components factor analysis of food groups