Fig. 9.
Proposed trimer structure model of the PIV5 TMD. (a) Top view of the trimer structure, showing L493F, L500F, and L504F interhelical 19Fâ19F distances. These agree with the experimentally measured 19Fâ19F distances. (b) Helical wheel diagram for the trimeric TMD, with L493F and L504F at the d position of the heptad repeat, forming close interhelical contacts, while L500F lies at the g position, giving longer interhelical distances. (c) Side views of the trimer structure, showing the locations of 13C, 15N-labeled residues in the two mixed labeled samples (Table 1). Representative interhelical distances between S505 and V506, and between G494 and L495, are much longer than can be measured using 13C spin diffusion NMR. This is further illustrated in the helical wheel diagram for the S505âV506 pair.