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. 2018 Mar 1;18:234. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4138-7

Table 3.

Univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis of factors influencing 5-year overall survival for patients who underwent FOLFOX/CapeOX chemotherapy

Variables Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis*
HR 95% CI P HR 95% CI P
Gender 0.092
 Male 1
 Female 0.845 0.695–1.028
Age at diagnosis, years 0.003 0.007
 66–70 1 1
 71–75 1.122 0.872–1.443 1.149 0.888–1.486
 76–80 1.286 0.994–1.665 1.293 0.991–1.688
  > 80 1.812 1.305–2.517 1.816 1.285–2.566
Race 0.206
 White 1
 Black 1.028 0.719–1.469
 Asian 1.156 0.677–1.972
 Other 0.502 0.259–0.973
Marital status 0.167
 Single+Separated 1
 Married 1.036 0.696–1.543
 Divorced+Widowed 1.318 0.869–1.999
 Other 1.066 0.540–2.104
Residence location 0.329
 Big Metro 1
 Metro or Urban 1.071 0.865–1.327
 Less Urban or Rural 1.252 0.929–1.686
Median household income 0.007 0.497
 1st quartile 1 1
 2nd quartile 0.962 0.733–1.261 1.021 0.755–1.380
 3rd quartile 0.745 0.561–0.989 0.814 0.575–1.152
 4th quartile 0.620 0.465–0.826 0.792 0.529–1.186
 Unknown 0.800 0.496–1.291 0.947 0.514–1.743
Level of education 0.006 0.263
 1st quartile 1 1
 2nd quartile 1.524 1.117–2.079 1.371 0.979–1.920
 3rd quartile 1.552 1.147–2.100 1.379 0.960–1.982
 4th quartile 1.744 1.298–2.343 1.289 0.854–1.947
 Unknown 1.417 0.863–2.327 N/Aa N/Aa
Year of diagnosis 0.398
 2001–2004 1
 2005–2008 0. 897 0.697–1.154
Primary tumor site 0.150
 right-sided colon 1
 left-sided colon 0.878 0.711–1.084
 unknown 1.602 0.824–3.114
Histologic grade < 0.001 0.022
 Well 1 1
 Moderate 1.170 0.724–1.892 1.015 0.623–1.653
 Poor+Undifferentiated 1.973 1.211–3.215 1.407 0.856–2.315
 Unknown 1.376 0.598–3.165 0.987 0.422–2.309
Histologic type 0.008 0.148
 Adenocarcinoma 1 1
 Mucinous carcinoma 1.491 1.146–1.940 1.306 0.997–1.712
 Signet-ring cell carcinoma 1.467 0.728–2.959 1.147 0.556–2.366
pT category < 0.001 < 0.001
 pT1 1 1
 pT2 1.374 0.499–3.780 1.472 0.531–4.080
 pT3 3.645 1.506–8.823 2.730 1.118–6.667
 pT4a 6.221 2.494–15.521 5.077 2.014–12.801
 pT4b 7.165 2.766–18.559 4.350 1.656–11.424
pN category < 0.001 < 0.001
 pN1a 1 1
 pN1b 1.581 1.172–2.132 1.475 1.090–1.996
 pN2a 2.301 1.691–3.132 1.970 1.440–2.696
 pN2b 4.310 3.195–5.814 3.408 2.497–4.650
Preoperative intestinal obstruction < 0.001 0.055
 No 1 1
 Yes 1.680 1.340–2.106 1.258 0.995–1.590
Preoperative intestinal perforation 0. 165
 No 1
 Yes 1.770 0.790–3.966
HCC risk score < 0.001 < 0.001
 1st quartile 1 1
 2nd quartile 0.936 0.683–1.283 1.129 0.816–1.561
 3rd quartile 1.033 0.754–1.415 1.273 0.918–1.765
 4th quartile 1.994 1.469–2.705 2.197 1.592–3.033
Number of examined lymph node 0.382
  ≥ 12 1
  < 12 0.906 0.727–1.130
Postoperative radiotherapy 0.055
 No 1
 Yes 1.850 0.988–3.467
Timing to AC < 0.001 < 0.001
  ≤ 4 weeks 1 1
 5–8 weeks 1.028 0.635–1.663 1.009 0.619–1.644 0.971
 9–12 weeks 1.665 1.012–2.739 1.640 0.990–2.717 0.055
 13–16 weeks 1.671 0.935–2.988 1.422 0.788–2.566 0.243
  ≥ 17 weeks 3.144 1.731–5.710 2.482 1.354–4.549 0.003

Abbreviation FOLFOX/CapeOX 5-FU/capecitabine plus oxaliplatin, HR Hazard ratio, CI Confidence interval, HCC Hierarchical Condition Categories, AC Adjuvant chemotherapy

*Only variables with a p < 0.05 in the univariate analysis were included in the multivariate analysis

aunavailable because of colinearity with the variable of Median household income