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Table 4.

Flowchart for Screening Chronic Unexplained, Refractory/Intractable, or Idiopathic Cough in Included Studies

Study Investigations
Exclusions of Diseases
No Smoking ACEI Chest Imaging Sinus Imaging BPC Induced Sputum Bronchoscopy Esophageal pH
Khalid et al,24 2014 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Unclear Yes Yes NA
Ryan et al,34 2012 Yes Yes No No No Yes No No COPD, asthma, respiratory infection
Shaheen et al,36a 2011 Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Aerodigestive malignancy or Barrett’s oesophagus, upper respiratory infection
Yousaf et al,35 2010 Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Asthma, EB, bronchiectasis, chronic lung disease, GERD, UACS
Rytila et al,27 2008 Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No COPD, asthma, upper respiratory infection, UACS, GERD
Morice et al,25 2007 Yesb Yesb Yesb Yesb Yesb No Yesb Yesb NA
Ribeiro et al,29 2007 No No Yes Yes No No No No GERD, respiratory infection, asthma, COPD, rhinosinusitis, UACS
Vertigan et al,23 2006 No Yes Yes Unclear Unclear Yes Unclear Unclear Upper respiratory tract infection, allergy, UACS, asthma, GERD, EB, lung pathology, COPD, neurologic voice disorder
Jeyakumar et al,22 2006 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Asthma
Pizzichini et al,39 1999 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Respiratory tract infection, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma
Holmes et al,26 1992 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Asthma, GERD

BPC = bronchial provocation challenge; EB = eosinophilic bronchitis; UACS = upper airway cough syndrome. See Table 1 and 2 legends for expansion of other abbreviations.


Inhaled or oral corticosteroids were prescribed although nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis/asthma were not indicated in the study.


Based on the previously published probability-based treatment algorithm.28