Figure 2.
Electron density for Chl a (c-631 in the 3ARC numbering, green) adjacent to the hydrophobic tail of PG (d-714, orange) identified in the 1.9 Å PSII crystal structure (PDB 3WU2). Electron density and fitting is shown: (A) from the originally reported 1.9 Å structure with Chl c-631 having a full length 20 carbon phytyl tail extending through unresolved space into adjacent electron density and (B) from the re-refined electron density map showing Chl c-631 with a 15 carbon farnesyl tail that is truncated when the electron density of the tail stops. The σA-weighted 2Fo-Fc electron density maps are contoured at 1.0σ (Dark Blue), and the σA-weighted Fo-Fc electron density map contoured at 3.0σ (A, green). Images were generated using COOT and PyMol.