Precise genome editing with HDR is inefficient, especially in nonproliferating cells. |
Restricted to genomic sites with a PAM. |
Potential for unintended consequences at the target site, eg, insertion of undesired sequences, large deletions, and chromosomal rearrangements. |
Off-target mutagenesis can occur at unintended sites in the genome but is difficult to detect with current technology. |
Durable changes to the genome that are currently prohibitive to reverse. |
Too large to easily accommodate in AAV vector—the preferred viral vector for human therapeutics. |
Requires testing in human or humanized models to accurately assess efficacy and safety. |
Immunologic responses against Cas9-expressing cells, especially if AAV is used. |
AAV indicates adeno-associated virus; HDR, homology-directed repair; and PAM, protospacer-adjacent motif.