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. 2017 Aug 31;20(5):545–553. doi: 10.1038/gim.2017.137

Table 2. Results returned in CSER U-award studies.

Site Indication-specific findings Tumor analysis Actionable secondary or incidental findings Pharmacogenetic findings Carrier status Nonactionable secondary or incidental findings Other VUS
1 Yes Yes ACMG plus additional Yes Yes (opt-out) No   All tumor VUS; germ-line VUS only related to indication
2 Yes Select variants associated with chemotherapy recommendations ACMG plus additional Select gene–drug pairs 10 conditions No   VUS related to indication and for medically actionable genes that family analysis would clarify
3 Yes No ACMG plus additional Yes Yes Yes Risk variants for select common complex conditions based on GWAS and red blood cell/platelet antigen typing VUS related to indication and VUS favor pathogenic regardless of indication
4 Yes No ACMG plus additional No 3 conditions plus OMIM genes for which participating parents are both carriers No   VUS related to indication
5 Yes No Locally determined list of actionable conditions Yes (opt-in) Yes (opt-in) Yes (opt-in), including rare but highly penetrant variants for serious nontreatable conditions Variants for risk in select common complex conditions based on GWAS (opt-in) VUS related to indication
6 Yes Actionable or potentially actionable somatic variants with focus on therapy ACMG plus additional No Yes No   VUS related to indication
7 Yes No ACMG plus additional (opt-in) No Carrier status is focus of study No Variants in mitochondrial genes No
8 Yes Yes Custom list of 2,000 plus genes   Yes No   VUS related to indication
9 Yes Yes Yes No No No   No

ACMG, American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics; CSER, Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium; GWAS, genome-wide association studies; VUS, variants of uncertain significance.

“ACMG” refers to the roster of 56 secondary findings in Green et al.22