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. 2018 Feb 26;373(1744):20170165. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2017.0165

Table 1.

Summary of studies with dopamine-related challenges and various traits conducted in the Department of Psychology, University of Giessen, Germany. Note: std N: ID number of the study presented; Ap: experimental approach (1: without, 2: with assessment of biochemical variables); ref: reference number indicates the number in the reference list related to the study; #: studies using drug hormone responses as independent variables; l-DOPA: l-3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanin; AMPT: alpha-methyl-paratyrosine; DA: dopamine; D1 D2: dopamine receptors 1 and 2; RT: reaction time, CFF: critical flicker fusion frequency, HVA: homovanillic acid (metabolite of dopamine), PRL: prolactin, GH: growth hormone. For column 6, questionnaires, with reference numbers in reference list: Anhed Scale: Chapman Anhedonia Scales [35]; BIS 11: Barratt Impulsivity Scale [36]; BIS/BAS: Gray Behavioural Inhibition and Activation Scale [37]; EPQ: Eysenck Personality Questionnaire [4]. FPI: Freiburg Personality Inventory [38], HHF: Hypo- Hedonie–Fragebogen [39] (olf: olfactoric subscale); MPQ: Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire [41], SSS: Sensation Seeking Scales [6] (BS: Boredom Susceptibility, TAS: Thrill+Adventure Seeking); STAI: State Trait Anxiety Inventory [42]; TPQ: Three-dimensional Personality Questionnaire [7]a). Column Results: MP: mental performance; ↑ ↓: increase/decrease of dependent variable induced by the drug as compared to placebo or pre-drug value; high/low scorers had their scores above/below median value on a respective scale. ESM, electronic supplementary material.

std N temperament or personality trait TM action substance dependent variables scales for traits results Ap ref.
1 extraversion (E)-introversion (I) D2 antagonist
DA precursor
DA synthesis inhibitor
EPQ halo challenge: both E & I equally reduced performance
l-DOPA challenge: E & I: no change in performance,
AMPT challenge: I clearly reduced performance, none in E
HVA: no change, I & E
1/2 [43]
3 extraversion (E)-introversion (I) DA synthetic inhibitor AMPT Subj state
EPQ E reported more drowsiness than I but their HVA did not differ 1 [44,45]
6# extraversion (E)-introversion (I) D2 antagonist
D1/2 agonist
Smoking urge
EPQ high E were PRL antagonist responders, E was not related to PRL agonist responsea 2 [46]
5 Behav. Activ.(BAS) DA reupt. inhib mazindole PRL BIS/BAS no diff in PRL change between persons with high and low BAS scores 2 [47]
2 thrill and adventure seeking (TAS), boredom susceptibility (BS) D2 antagonist
DA precursor
mental performance (MP) Subjective state FPI
halo challenge: High TAS and high BS subjects. tension↓, MP↑ or no difference; low TAS and low BS subjects: tension↑, MP↓ l-DOPA challenge: High TAS and high BS subjects: MP ↓, no change in tension; low TAS and low BS small MP↑, tension ↓ 1 [48]
5 novelty seeking (NS) DA reupt. inhib mazindole PRL SSS PRL response in high NS > low NS subjects 2 [47]
6# thrill and adventure seeking (TAS) D2 antagonist
D1/2 agonist
smoking urge, PRL SSS high TAS and high ES were PRL agonist responders, no relation of TAS and ES to PRL antagonist responsea 2 [46]

experience seeking (ES)
disinhibition (DIS)
D2 antagonist
D1/2 agonist
affect. state, PRL, cortisol
smoking urge
SSS for both DA challenges high ES and high DIS subjects had identical blunted PRL responses but smoking urge was larger in high ES than in high DIS 2 [49]
7# disinhibition (DIS) D2 agonist bromocriptine PRL, GH SSS subjects with high DIS had higher GH than PRL responses 2 [50]
19# motor and cognitive impulsivity (Imp) D2 agonist
bromocriptine reboxetine PRL, cortisol BIS 11 persons high in Motor Imp. had low DA-induced PRL response combined with low NE-induced cortisol response
persons high in Cognitive Imp. had high DA-induced PRL responses combined with high NE-induced cortisol responses
2 [51], ESM S4
2 aggression (Agg) D2 antagonist
DA precursor
MP: mental performance FPI halo challenge: in high Agg subjects: Tension ↓, MP ↑ or no change, in low Agg subjects: Tension↑, MP↓.
l-DOPA challenge: in high Agg subjects MP↓, no change in tension; low Agg subjects: little MP↑, tension↓
1 [48]
4 olf. hedonic tone
D2 antagonist
D1/2 agonist
urge to smoke HHF high-Agg and low-HHF-olf subjects: smoking urge ↑ with D1/2 agonist more than with D2 antagonist; low-Agg and high-HHF-olf. subjects: smoking urge ↑ with D2 antagonist more than with D1/2 agonist 1 [52]
20# anxiety, depression D2 agonist bromocriptine PRL (tme/size) STAI, MPQ, highly anxious and depressed subjects had low and late PRL responses 2 [50]
19# phys anhedonia (PA) D2 agonist bromocriptine PRL (size/time) Anhed Scale high PA subjects responded by low and late DA-induced PRL decrease 2 [53]
 20# fatigue (FA) D2 agonist bromocriptine PRL (size/time) TPQ HA4 high FA subjects respond by low and late DA-induced PRL decrease 2 [54]

aFor definition of responders see §4.2. of the text, Study 6.