Figure 6.
HMOS, HMOS + Butyrate, and HMOS + Acetate induce direct immunomodulatory effects on murine bone marrow derived DCs phenotype and cytokines microenvironment in vitro. (A) Representative histograms of maturation, co-stimulatory, and inhibitory markers expression on DCs and (B) MFI of given markers expression were shown. (C) Representative histograms of migratory markers expression on DCs and (D) median florescence of intensity of given migratory markers were shown. DCs were treated by medium, HMOS, HMOS + Butyrate, or HMOS + Acetate with (black lines) or without (grey lines) LPS activation for 24 h. Filled histograms represent isotype controlled mAb staining. Gating strategy shown in Fig. S7. (E) Concentrations of IL-10, IL-12p70, and IL-6 by medium- (black bars), HMOS− (white bars), HMOS + Butyrate- (dark grey bars), HMOS + Acetate-DC (grey bars. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, n = 3–4 for DCs activation experiment. Statistical differences between groups are depicted as *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.01 using Mann-Whitney U-test.