Figure 1.
Gene-responses following cFC are highly correlated in hippocampus (HC) and retrosplenial cortex (RSC). (A) In HC, IEG mRNA levels (Fos, Arc and Npas4) as detected by qPCR are strongly increased 30 mins (all three genes) and 1 hr (Fos, Arc) after cFC training, and return to baseline within 3 hrs. (B) The time-course of IEG induction observed in HC is recapitulated in RSC (n = 8 mice per group for HC and RSC). (C) Venn diagram showing the number of confirmed hits of two replicate RNAseq studies comparing mRNA expression in naïve and fear conditioned mice. All but one gene (Errf1) found in HC are detected in RSC. (D) Correlation of mRNA induction by fear conditioning in HP and RSC. The gene-responses of the 66 confirmed hits in RSC and HC are highly correlated. The greater number of calls in RSC is explained by an overall larger gene-response in this structure.