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. 2018 Jan 29;2018:4197857. doi: 10.1155/2018/4197857

Table 1.

Main clinical trials of stem cell therapy for liver cirrhosis.

Trial number Study phase (type) Cell source # Eligibility criteria Primary outcome measure Secondary outcome measure Time frame Start date End date Location
NCT01875081 Phase II (randomized open) BM-MSC 72 Histologically or clinically diagnosed as alcoholic liver cirrhosis 
Classified as Child-Pugh grade B or C
Histopathological evaluation Histopathological evaluation score, MELD score, Child-Pugh grade, and so on 6 months 2012.11 2016.03 (completed) Korea

NCT02943889 Phase I/II (nonrandomized open) BM-MSC 40 Decompensated liver cirrhosis Child class b or c Improvement of liver function in form of improvement in Child score Postpone or overcome liver transplantation complications 6, 24 months 2016.10 2017.08 (not yet recruiting) None

NCT02786017 Phase I/II (randomized double-blinded controlled) UC-MSC 40 Subjects who are decompensated cirrhosis of any cause 
Child-pugh score ≥7
Change in the model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score Change in Child-Pugh score, clinical laboratory parameters of liver function 1 and 3 days 
1 and 2 weeks 
1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months
2016.05 2018.12 (recruiting) China

NCT01591200 Phase II (randomized open) AlloMSC 40 Child class B or C, Child-Pugh scores of ≥7 and <14 
MELD scores of at least 10
Safety Liver function improvement, Child-Pugh score, MELD score, SF36-QOL, and so on 24 months 2012.06 2016.04 (completed) India

NCT01120925 Phase I/II 
(randomized quadruple blind controlled)
BM-MSC 30 MELD score of 12 or Child score B or C 
Serum ALT 1/5 times more than normal
Liver function test Cirrhosis mortality 6 months 2010.05 2013.07 (completed) Iran

NCT00420134 Phase I/II 
(randomized single- 
MSC 30 MELD score of at least 10 
Patent portal vein on color Doppler examination of the live 
Normal alpha-feto protein serum levels
Liver function test 
MELD score
Cirrhosis mortality 6 months 2006.02 2009.06 (completed) Iran

NCT01013194 Phase I/II (nonrandomized open) FLC 25 A score ≥ B8 based on the Child-Pugh-Turcotte classification and/or MELD score ≥ 14 Survival Analysis of Child-Pugh score, meld score from baseline to 1-year follow-up 6 and 12 months 2007.02 2011.07 (completed) Italy

NCT01342250 Phase I/II (randomized open) UC-MSC 20 Decompensated liver cirrhosis, Child-Pugh B/C (7–12 points) or Meld score ≦ 21. Survival Liver function improvement, Child-Pugh score, MELD score, SF36-QOL, and so on 24 months 2010.10 2011.10 (completed) China

NCT02652351 Phase I (open) UC-MSC 20 Clinical, radiological, or biochemical evidence of liver cirrhosis Severity of adverse events Hepatic function, liver fibrosis index 1, 3, 6, and 12 months 2016.03 2016.10 (recruiting) China

NCT01147380 Phase I (nonrandomized open) NK 18 Subjects who need to meet the liver transplant eligibility criteria 
Cardiac and pulmonary function
Side effect of cadaveric donor liver NK cell infusion NK cell infusion-related toxicity, anti-HCC, HCV effect 12 and 24 months 2010.06 2014.12 (completed) USA

NCT03254758 Phase I/II (open) AD-MSC 15 Chronic hepatitis C or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) 
Child-Pugh grade B liver cirrhosis
Child-Pugh score, safety profile Child-Pugh score, safety profile 6 months 2017.07 2018.12 (recruiting) Japan

NCT01333228 Phase I/II (open) BM-EPC 14 Liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh 8 or above) Safety and tolerability Effect on liver function, portal hypertension, complications of liver cirrhosis 12 months 2012.06 2015.03 (completed) Spain

NCT01503749 Phase I (randomized 
PB-MNC (G-CSF) 9 Advanced liver cirrhosis with Child-Pugh score 8 or 9 Severe adverse events Change in Child-Pugh score and MELD score 1–4 weeks 
2–6 months
2012.01 2014.08 (completed) -

NCT00713934 Phase I/II (randomized single- 
7 Liver biopsy showing histological cirrhosis, grade B or C (Child-Pugh score) liver cirrhosis in sonography study 
Liver crrhosis in sonography study
Liver function test 
MELD score
Cirrhosis mortality 6 months 2008.01 2009.02 (completed) Iran

NCT02297867 Phase I (open) ADSC 6 Investigators without HBV, HCV, HIV, syphilis, and so on MELD None 1–6 months 2015.07 2018.01 (active, not recruiting) Taiwan

NCT02705742 Phase I/II (open) AD-MSC 5 Clinical, radiologic, and pathologically proven liver cirrhosis due to HCV hepatitis All cause mortality - 12 months 2016.01 2017.12 (recruiting) Turkey

NCT01454336 Phase I (open) BM-MSC 3 Approved cirrhosis by elastography, biopsy, sonography ALT, AST, serum albumin, liver fibrosis Progression of fibrosis 12 months 2010.06 2013.07 (completed) Iran

#Number of enrollments; MELD, model for end-stage liver disease; UC-MSC, umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell; AlloMSC, allogeneic MSC; FLC, fetal liver cell; BM-EPC, bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells; PB-MNC, peripheral blood mononucleated cells; BMHSC, bone marrow CD133+ hematopoietic stem cell.