Type of tweet
Health professional user: tweets posted by health professionals |
Parent audience: tweets posted with content for parents, messages intended to reach parents |
Health professional to parent: tweets posted by health professionals for a parent audience |
Tweet content
Resource/information: objective information about the HPV vaccine with supporting source |
Personal experience/opinion: story or opinion about HPV, no factual sources |
Joke or parody: humorous/satirical statement about HPV |
Other: tweet does not satisfy the above categories |
Tweet characteristic
Side effects: mention of side effects caused by the HPV vaccine |
Prevention/protection: describes how HPV vaccine will protect or prevent negative health outcomes |
Risk/prevalence of HPV: details risk of contracting HPV or the prevalence of HPV |
Men/boys: tweet refers to men or boys along with HPV |
Women/girls: refers to women or girls along with HPV |
Tweet sentiment
Positive: supportive messages about the HPV vaccine and encourages its uptake |
Negative: disparaging messages about the HPV vaccine and/or discourages it uptake |
Neutral: no opinions about vaccine, facts repeated |
No mention: HPV vaccine is not mentioned |