Fig. 6. In vivo mice studies using the LM3 xenograft model.
The luc-LM3-scr and luc-LM3-shTR4 cells (2 × 106) were orthotopically injected into the left lateral lobe of the liver of athymic nude mice. a IVIS imaging was used to determine the tumor size and metastasis, and the results showed that no metastasis was detected in any of the five mice that were injected with luc-LM3-scr cells. In three of the five mice that were injected with luc-LM3-shTR4 cells, tumor metastasis was observed on Day 42. b HE staining results of HCC and the metastatic tumor tissues. c IHC staining was used for detecting TR4 and EphA2 expression levels in tumor tissues obtained from the two groups of mice. d RT-qPCR was used for detecting TR4 and EphA2 expression levels in tumor tissues obtained from the two groups of mice.