Fig. 1. Nucleolin affects growth and development of ErbB2-positive breast tumors in mice.
a Left, comparison of the growth rates and volumes of SKBR3 tumor xenografts, expressing either GFP or GFP-nucleolin (GFP and NCL, respectively; means ± SE; ***p < 0.005; n = 5). Right, changes in volume of either GFP or NCL tumors following treatment with the nucleolin-specific inhibitor GroA (AS1411) (means ± SE; ***p < 0.005—compared to the respective untreated tumors; n = 5). b Upon experiment termination (~20 days), GFP and NCL tumors, either untreated or treated with GroA, were dissected and compared in size. Lower panel, final tumor volumes are presented as means ± SE (*p < 0.05, ***p < 0.005—treated tumors compared to their respective, untreated, controls; ^p < 0.05—comparison between GFP and NCL tumors; n = 5). c Phosphorylation levels of ErbB2 (upper and lower panels) and Erk (upper panel) in dissected tumors, either untreated (upper) or treated with GroA (lower; NCL), were determined using anti-phospho-ErbB2 and anti-phopsho-Erk antibodies, as indicated (means ± SE; ***p < 0.005; n = 5)