Fig. 3. GroA and AG-825 disrupt ErbB2–nucleolin complexes, and GroA specifically inhibits viability of breast cancer cells.
a Left panel, visualization of the interaction between ErbB2 and nucleolin (red dots) in SKBR3 breast cancer cells either untreated or treated with GroA or tyrphostin AG-825, as indicated, was performed using a proximity ligation assay (PLA). Right panel, differences between signal intensity in cells represented as the number of dots per cell (means ± SE). b Viability of MCF10A breast cells, and of MCF7 and SKBR3 breast cancer cells following the indicated GroA treatment, as detected by methylene blue analysis (means ± SD; ***p < 0.005—untreated cells compared to treated cells of the same cell line; ^^^p < 0.005—comparison between MCF10A cells and MCF7/SKBR3 cells; n > 3)