Fig. 7. Eltrombopag does not increase the proliferation capacity of SAA-iPSC-derived-hematopoietic progenitors.
a. Analysis of BrdU-incorporating cells in DMSO (red bars) and eltrombopag-treated (grey bars) iPSC-derived-hematopoietic progenitors in WT and SAA cell lines; b Analysis of γH2AX in BrdU+ cells in DMSO (red bars) and eltrombopag-treated (grey bars) iPSC-derived-hematopoietic progenitors in WT and SAA cell lines; c Analysis of γH2AX in BrdU-cells in DMSO (red bars) and eltrombopag-treated (grey bars) in iPSC-derived-hematopoietic progenitors in WT and SAA cell lines. a–c Multiple t-test using Holm-Sidak method was used for statistical comparison between DMSO and eltrombopag groups. Data is presented as mean of at least 3 independent experiments ± S.E.M. Data for all control cell lines is averaged in one group (WT)