Figure 4.
a) Total number of Saos-2 adherent to BG discs after 7, 14 and 28 days in culture.* indicates significantly more cells in the indicated group compared to the 0 mol% CaF2 group at the same time point. † significantly more cells than the 9.28 mol% CaF2 group at the same time point. # significantly more cells than 13.62 mol% CaF2 group at same time point. § significantly more cells than 17.76 mol% CaF2 group at same time point. b) Total number of Saos-2 cells in cultures exposed to the dissolution products of BG discs for up to 28 days. * indicates significantly more cells in the indicated group compared to any other group at the same time point. † significantly fewer cells than any other group at the same time point. # significantly more cells than 13.62 mol% CaF2 group at same time point. § significantly more cells than 17.76 mol% CaF2 group at same time point.