Figure 1.
Liquid biopsy Kaplan–Meier curves. (A) Stratification of exoKRAS at a mutant allele frequency of 1% was associated with disease free survival in patients with localized disease who were treatment naïve at the time of blood draw (n = 13) with a median survival of 441 days compared to 127 days (P = 0.031). Two treatment naïve patients with no KRAS mutant droplets were excluded from this survival analysis to account for the possibility that they have a KRAS mutation that is not a target of the KRAS multiplex ddPCR kit used. (B and C) Exosome concentration of 5 × 109 per ml of plasma was associated with overall survival in treatment naïve blood draws in patients with (B) localized disease (n = 15, median survival 616 versus 233 days, P = 0.048) and (C) metastatic disease (n = 12, median survival 479 versus 97 days, P = 0.015).