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. 2017 Apr 6;19(9):1427–1438. doi: 10.1093/europace/eux027

Table 1.

Summary of included studies

Study Number with AF Population Relevant topic(s) Aims and methods Main findings related to AF
Belenkie, 19798 11 Patients with sinus rhythm and AF, excluding technically inadequate echocardiograms. Acquisition. Association of end diastolic dimension and cycle length with M-mode parameters of LV systolic function. Preload and cycle length correlated with LVEF. Patients with AF had higher correlation of RR interval with LVEF than patients with sinus rhythm.
Benyounes, 20159 17 Consecutive patients including those with AF, but no important variability in heart rhythm. Systolic validity. Internal validation of strain measurement against LVEF. High correlation of strain and LVEF in AF patients, and probably similar to sinus rhythm.
Chirillo, 199710 35 AF for >3 months without mitral stenosis, undergoing catheterization on intensive care or electively. Diastolic validity. Correlation of invasive PCWP with mitral and PV flow velocities and derivation of non-invasive algorithm. Diastolic PV flow better than mitral indices for estimating PCWP in AF.
Diwan, 200511 13 Consecutive patients with mitral valve disease undergoing catheterization. Diastolic validity. Correlation of invasive PCWP with Doppler indices of diastolic function. The ratio of IVRT to the time period between E and e’ highly correlated with PCWP in AF, similar to sinus rhythm.
Dubrey, 199712 21 Selected AF patients with irregularity of rate on electrocardiogram. Systolic reproducibility and acquisition. Variability in LV outflow tract Doppler in AF compared to sinus rhythm. 13 beats required in AF to achieve variability <2%, compared to 4 beats in sinus rhythm.
Galderisi, 199213 12 Patients randomly selected from the Framingham cohort with heart rate <100 beats/min and technically adequate Doppler. Diastolic reproducibility. Reproducibility of Doppler indices of diastolic function in sinus rhythm and AF. Variability similar in AF and sinus rhythm. Reproducibility highest for peak velocity and area under the curve rather than slope measures.
Kerr, 199814 38 Consecutive non-valvular AF patients with good quality echocardiography. Acquisition. Impact of heart rate cycle length variability on LV outflow tract Doppler. Variability in stroke volume increased at higher heart rates in AF.
Kusunose, 200915 56 Non-valvular AF patients with preserved systolic function (n = 21 with simultaneous catheterization). Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Validation of single-beat E/e’ recorded by synchronous dual Doppler. Single-beat lateral E/e’ a reliable indicator of elevated PCWP and plasma BNP in AF patients.
Kusunose, 201216 25 Prospective assessment of non-valvular AF patients referred for catheterization. Systolic reproducibility and acquisition. Validation of an index-beat assessment vs. 10-s average for myocardial strain and strain rate. A single index-beat (with similar preceding and pre-preceding RR intervals) was accurate compared to averaged mean values.
Lee, 200517 73 Non-valvular chronic AF with heart rate ≤100 beats/min and clinically stable. Systolic and diastolic validity. Correlation of clinical and echocardiographic parameters with maximum symptom-limited treadmill. E/e’ significantly related to exercise capacity in AF, unlike other echocardiographic parameters.
Lee, 200818 330 Multicentre consecutive patients with persistent AF, LVEF >40% and heart rate ≤100 beats/min. Systolic and diastolic validity. Identification of echocardiographic risk factors for retrospective ischaemic stroke. E/e’ significantly associated with prior stroke in AF patients with LVEF >40%.
Lee, 201219 98 Prospective study of persistent or permanent AF patients with heart rate ≤105 beats/min. Systolic reproducibility and acquisition. Validation of index-beat measurement of LV peak longitudinal systolic strain. A single index-beat was accurate compared to averaging multiple cardiac cycles.
Li, 201020 49 Non-valvular AF patients with preserved ejection fraction undergoing catheterization. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Correlation of single-beat E/e’ with invasive PCWP. Stronger association between E/e’ and PCWP using a single-beat, dual Doppler method.
Matsukida, 200121 32 Chronic AF patients undergoing catheterization. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Correlation of diastolic indices with invasive PCWP. PV flow and deceleration time independently associated with PCWP.
Nageuh, 199622 60 Non-valvular AF patients (majority intensive care or surgical patients). Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Correlation of diastolic indices with invasive PCWP in training and test groups. Diastolic indices (e.g. IVRT) highly correlated with PCWP, particularly in AF patients with LVEF <45%.
Okura, 200623 230 Retrospective analysis of consecutive non-valvular AF patients. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Assessment of E/e’ at a cut-point of 15 as a predictor of mortality over a follow-up period of 245 (± 200) days. AF patients with E/e’ >15 have higher mortality, independent of clinical factors.
Oyama, 200424 68 Non-valvular chronic AF patients. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Correlation of E/Vp using single-beat dual Doppler with plasma BNP concentration and invasive PCWP. E/Vp associated with both BNP and PCWP.
Peltier, 200825 40 Prospective assessment of patients with non-valvular AF > 1 month and LVEF <40%, hospitalized for heart failure. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Correlation of E/e’ with functional capacity and quality of life. Deceleration time <150ms was independently associated with mortality in both AF and sinus rhythm.
Punjani, 201126 48 Retrospective analysis of persistent or permanent AF with LVEF ≥50% and heart rate ≤100 beats/min. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Determine relationship between diastolic parameters and functional capacity/quality of life, when measured on two different occasions 1 week apart. E/e’ independently associated with walk distance and quality of life in patients with AF and preserved LVEF.
Schneider, 199728 18 Chronic AF patients during routine echocardiography. Acquisition. Test hypothesis that LV systolic function is affected by pre-preceding cycle length. Pre-preceding RR interval has an important effect on LV peak ejection velocity.
Senechal, 200827 24 Consecutive early post-operative patients with predominantly paroxysmal AF and no mitral prosthesis. Diastolic validity, diastolic reproducibility and acquisition. E/e’ for estimating invasive PCWP with comparison of 10-beat average and one cycle with the longest R-R interval. E/e’ with a single cardiac cycle had similar correlation with PCWP as averaged measures.
Shahgaldi, 201029 23 Consecutive patients referred for echocardiography. Systolic reproducibility. Comparison of 1-beat and 4-beat 3D volumes and LVEF in patients with sinus rhythm and AF. Lower variability in 3D full volume acquisition in AF patients using a 1-beat rather than 4-beat acquisition.
Sohn, 199930 27 Non-valvular AF patients undergoing catheterization. Diastolic validity. Correlation of E/e’ with invasive PCWP. E/e’ highly correlated with PCWP.
Su, 201131 54 Consecutive patients with permanent AF and adequate echocardiographic images. Systolic reproducibility. Validation of pre-ejection period myocardial performance index with other indices of systolic and diastolic function in AF. Pre-ejection period myocardial performance index is an indicator of global LV function in permanent AF.
Su, 201332 196 Prospective assessment of consecutive patients with persistent AF and adequate images. Systolic validity and reproducibility. Ability of global longitudinal strain to predict cardiovascular events over follow-up of 21 (±10) months. Global longitudinal strain improved prediction of adverse events beyond LVEF and tissue Doppler assessment.
Temporelli, 199934 35 Patients with heart failure, LVEF <35%, AF > 3 months and acceptable images. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Correlation of diastolic indices with invasive PCWP. Deceleration time was independently associated with PCWP in AF patients with severe LV dysfunction.
Thavendiranthan, 201233 24 Subgroup of patients with AF referred for an echocardiogram (main study outcomes investigated patients with sinus rhythm). Systolic validation. Assessment of an automated edge contouring algorithm using real-time 3D acquisition, compared to conventional biplane Simpsons. Automated 3D LVEF in AF patients correlated well with conventional LVEF analysis.
Traversi, 200135 51 Patients with heart failure, LVEF <35%, AF > 3 months and heart rate <90 beats/min, as part of a pre-transplant evaluation. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Correlation of diastolic indices with invasive PCWP. Mitral and PV flow indices correlate with PCWP in AF patients assessed for heart transplantation.
Wada, 201236 45 Non-valvular chronic AF patients with normal right ventricular function. Diastolic validity and reproducibility. Correlation of single-beat dual Doppler with invasive PCWP. The time and ratio between E and e’ correlated with PCWP, similar to BNP.
Wang, 200437 40 Consecutive patients with AF and adequate acoustic windows. Acquisition. Evaluation of LVEF and stroke volume according to preceding cycle lengths. Positive relationship between preceding cycle length and stroke volume.
Wang, 200538 100 Consecutive AF patients referred for echocardiogram with adequate acoustic windows. Acquisition. Evaluation of aortic time-velocity integral according to preceding cycle length and varying beat repeats. Assessment improved with cycle lengths >500ms and 2 or 3 beats with similar RR interval.
Wang, 200639 75 Patients with AF referred for echocardiography with adequate acoustic windows. Systolic reproducibility and acquisition Improvement of systolic function evaluation according to cycle lengths and number of repeated beats. LVEF and stroke volume can be reliably obtained in AF by averaging two beats with similar preceding and pre-preceding RR intervals and cycle length >500 ms.

3D, Three-dimensional; AF, atrial fibrillation; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; IVRT, isovolumic relaxation time; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; PV, pulmonary vein.