Individual perspectives |
Common spoken language vs. medical language/ terminology
Anticipated physician resistance to lay involvement
Lack of content knowledge
Group dynamics
Tension among stakeholders
Power/authority differential
Clear purpose for panel on what needs to be accomplished
Presence of existing (informal) relationships
Representation across different groups
Public and Patient ownership of agenda
Sense of urgency to address issues
Facilitation perspectives |
Uncertainty of practicalities of promoting patient engagement
Imprecise role of public and patient
Insufficient time
Omission of topics/in-exhaustive list
Geographical limitations
Sufficient lead time
Meetings held less frequently or with fewer stakeholders
Skilled (trained) facilitator
Shared topics ahead of time
Mechanism to ensure patient voice is incorporated
Stakeholder recruitment by networking with existing stakeholder groups expanded
Organizational perspectives |
Sufficient resources, infrastructure to support engagement opportunities (e.g., cost, time)
Support from existing resources at institution