Fig 4. csn1-10 and csn5a-1 showed defects in timely down-regulation of RGL2 and ABI5 proteins following seed imbibition.
(A and B) Time-course analysis of RGL2 levels by immunoblots showing the deficiency of csn1-10 (A) and csn5a-1 (B) in timely decline of RGL2 protein compared to wild type (Col). Anti-RPN6 blot or a background band were shown as the loading reference. (C) Time course analysis of ABI5 level by immunoblotting. csn1-10, csn5a-1, csn5a-2, but not csn5b-1, showed defect in timely decline of ABI5 protein following seed imbibition. Anti-histone H3 was used as an internal loading reference. The lower panel shows the densitometry quantification of ABI5 relative to the corresponding Histone H3 in each sample. Samples were collected at indicated time points in hours (hr) post imbibition, as described in Materials and Methods.