Figure 1. Expression of Nr4a2 in CD4+ T cells from patients with PV and healthy control subjects.
(A) Relative expression level of Nr4a2 mRNA in CD4+ T cells measured by RT-PCR and normalized to β-actin. The Nr4a2 mRNA level was significantly decreased in patients with PV compared with healthy control subjects (p = 0.006). (B) Representative Western blot of Nr4a2 and β-actin expression in CD4+ T cells from patients with PV and healthy control subjects. (C) Quantitative analysis of band intensities of Nr4a2 normalized to β-actin. The Nr4a2 protein level in CD4+ T cells was decreased in patients with PV (p = 0.007). (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001).