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. 2018 Mar 2;8:3928. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22300-1

Table 1.

Statistics on the qualities of diffraction data and model refinement of DspI.

Data collection
Space group P 31 P 63 2 2
Cell dimensions
a, b, c (Å) 83.309 83.309 207.547 125.262 125.262 72.651
α, β, γ (°) 90 90 120 90 90 120
Wavelength 0.97022 0.97776
Resolution (Å) 40.00–2.10(2.18–2.10)a 30–2.15(2.23–2.15)
Rsym 0.074(0.466) 0.157(0.621)
I/σI 15.44(1.9) 19(3.25)
Completeness (%) 96.2(92.1) 100(99.9)
Redundancy 5.0(3.0) 20.5(12.9)
Resolution (Å) 40.00–2.10(2.14–2.10) 28.7–2.25(2.31–2.25)
No. of reflections 90298(4323) 16394(1330)
Rwork/Rfreeb 0.2271/0.2762 (0.3250/0.3947) 0.2302/0.2651 (0.3446/0.3508)
No. of atoms
Protein 12130 1864
Ligand/ion 64 19
Water 208 95
B-factors2) 51.85 42.98
Protein 52.23 42.89
Ligand/ion 32.58 66.56
Water 34.22 39.94
Bond lengths (Å) 0.012 0.015
Bond angles (°) 1.37 1.3
Ramachandran plot favored/allowed 98.6/1.4 96.7/3.3

aNumbers in parentheses are statistics of the outer shell. b5% of total reflections were set aside for the Rfree calculation.