Fig. 2.
Innate immune cellular infiltrates in C. trachomatis serovar D-infected upper genital tracts persist for weeks and are composed mainly of neutrophils and monocytes. (A) Representative flow cytometry plots of Ct D-infected (Left) vs. Ct L2-infected (Right) uterus (Top) and ovary (Bottom) from day 3 postinfection showing large populations of Gr1hiCD11b+ neutrophils (hi) and Gr1intCD11b+ monocytes (int) only in Ct D-infected tissues. (B–F) Time course quantification by flow cytometry of each of the indicated cell types in the upper genital tracts of mock-infected, Ct L2-infected, or Ct D-infected mice, where significant infiltration of neutrophils and monocytes is seen only after Ct D infection. (B) Day 6: *P = 0.0264. Day 9: **P = 0.0012. Day 15: *P = 0.0350. (C) Day 6: ****P < 0.0001. Day 9: **P = 0.0066. Day 15: ***P = 0.0004. (D) Day 9: *P = 0.0236. Day 15: **P = 0.0057. (E) Day 15: *P = 0.0141. (F) Day 15: **P = 0.0024.