Table 6.
Input data | n | Dairy cattle farm | Beef cattle farm | Abbreviation |
Cost of treatment with indigenous medicine per animal (kVND/head) | 46 | 100 (5–875)a | Treat.loc.k | |
Cost of treatment with modern medicine per animal | 90 | 300 (30–2,300)a | Treat.mod.k | |
Value of a dead calf or after treatment (kVND/head) ≤6 months | 13 | 0 (0–14,800)a | p.calf.d | |
Value of a dead or sold cow after treatment (kVND/head) | 15 | 45,000 (700–45,000)a | p.cow.d | |
Value of a healthy calf (kVND/head) ≤6 months | 11 | 10,000 (10,000–19,000)a | p.calf.h | |
Value of a healthy cow (kVND/head) | 15 | 35,000 (18,000–55,000)a | p.cow.h | |
Labor cost per injection (kVND/head) | NA | 4 (4–30)a | labor.vac | |
Morbidity in a farm (%) (n = 129) | 129 | 79 | 54 | Morb.k |
Mortality rate in a farm (%) for calf | 8 | 18 (0–50)a | Mort.c | |
Number of possible calves produced per cow in 1 year | NA | 0.83 | 0.94 | |
Price of 1 dose of bivalence vaccine (kVND/dose) | NA | 37 | p.vac | |
Price of 1 kg live weight (kVND), value in Dec 2015 | NA | 140 | p.liveW | |
Price of one service (kVND/time) | 184 | 173 | P.Ser | |
Price of 1 liter of milk (kVND/liter), value in Dec 2015 | NA | 13.5 | NA | P.Milk |
Type of probability distribution: atriangle distribution: mode (min–max).
kVND, thousands of Vietnam Dong (Vietnamese currency).