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. 2018 Mar 2;11:118. doi: 10.1186/s13071-018-2702-2

Table 3.

ace-1R G119S mutation frequency of An. gambiae (s.l.) from Bouaké and association with phenotypic resistance from carbamate bioassays. Superscript a and b show a significant difference between alive and dead within the same population on a site (P < 0.05). Frequencies were not calculated when the number of individuals tested was low (−)

Phenotype An. coluzzii An. gambiae (s.s.)
n RR RS SS f (ace1) n RR RS SS f (ace-1)
Allokokro Alive 49 2 44 3 0.49a
Dead 49 0 4 45 0.041b
Petessou Alive 49 0 39 10 0.4a 1
Dead 40 0 13 27 0.16b 3
Dar Es Salam Alive 9 3 6 0 0.67a 40 1 36 3 0.48a
Dead 10 0 2 8 0.1b 29 0 15 14 0.26b
Kennedy Alive 2 23 1 19 3 0.46a
Dead 4 21 0 7 14 0.17b
N’gattakro Alive 13 0 7 6 0.27 12 0 11 1 0.46
Dead 4 0 4 0 0.5 21 0 9 12 0.21

Abbreviations: f (ace-1), ace-1 G119S mutation frequency within each species, G119S mutated allele from glucine to serine at codon 119 of AChE gene, SS wildtype genotype, RR homozygous mutation, RS heterozygote for the ace-1 gene