Figure 1.
HD Cell Signaling Is Stabilized When Rats Explore a Small (20 cm Side) Environment, from P13 Onward
(A) Example firing rate polar plots for 4 HD cells recorded at P13 in the standard (left) and small (right) boxes. Numbers at top left indicate peak firing rate (Hz).
(B) HD cells are more numerous (top) and have a higher spatial tuning (Rayleigh vector [RV], middle) and intra-trial stability (bottom) when recorded in a small versus a standard box in animals older than P13. Error bars indicate SEM. See also Figure S1.
(C and D) HD cell network internal organization is preserved in the standard box, even when directional signaling is unstable. Colored traces indicate the rat’s actual head direction, overlaid upon spike raster plots for all simultaneously recorded HD cells, in the small (C) and standard (D) boxes. For both (C) and (D), HD cells are ordered vertically by their preferred firing direction in the small box. The sequences of HD cell activation for each head turn direction are similar in the small and standard boxes, but the direction signaled by HD cell firing consistently undershoots actual rotation in the standard box.