Figure 6.
Analysis of the effects induced by oligomycin treatment. (a) Ratios of fluorescence signal values of treated samples (FL1 and FL2 oligomycin) and those of control ones (FL1 and FL2-C). Trend of ML (b) and PC + GPC (c) signal intensities from 1D spectra of control and oligomycin-treated #61, #74, #1, and #163 line samples. Percentage variation of cell number (d) and lactate signal intensity, measured with respect to cell number [(Lac/N)oli − (Lac/N)con]/(Lac/N)con, after 24 h oligomycin treatment (e) Representative spectra of line #163 after treatment are reported in Figure S3C. (f) Ratio of lactate signal intensity of control (Laccon) and olygomicin-treated samples (Lacoli) as a function of time. (g) Values after 24 hours of treatment are reported for all the analyzed lines.