Competition experiments show the relative importance of P. aeruginosa metabolic genes in tap water and freshwater. (A) Competition in tap and pond water. (B) Competition in 1/2R2B (R2) and MOPS pyruvate glucose media (M). Competition experiments were conducted comparing wild-type PA14 to isogenic deletion mutants with deletions of betBA, eutB, or dht. The ratios of WT to mutants at time zero (T0) are shown in the gray bars, while tap water (blue bars) and freshwater (green bars) are shown for 24 h. The dotted line marks a WT-to-mutant ratio of 1:1. Data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with a Dunnett's posttest, as described in Materials and Methods comparing each competition to the T0 ratio. n.s., not significant; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. All ratios in panel B are not significantly different from the input ratio.