Proximal ends of left femora of Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis, and a right femur (reversed) of A. kongwe, in anterolateral view. (A) Photograph and (B) line drawing of femur (QG 691) possessing immature character states. (C) Photograph and (D) line drawing of femur (QG 727) possessing mature character states. (E) Photograph and (F) line drawing of right femur (NMT RB159, reversed for comparison) to compare morphologies of scars, particularly the anterolateral scar. Scale bar: 1 cm. als, anterolateral scar; at, anterior trochanter; ‘dslt’, scar homologous with the dorsolateral trochanter; lia, linea intermuscularis cranialis; m, mound; ts, trochanteric shelf.