Table 1.
Neurological severity scores
Items | Detailed description | Points (success/failure) |
Exit circle | Ability to enter or exit a 30-cm circle (3 min) | 0/1 |
Mono/hemiparesis | Paresis of contralateral upper or lower limb | 0/1 |
Startle reflex | Innate reflex (flinching in response to a loud hand clap) | 0/1 |
Seeking behavior | Physiological behavior as a sign of “interest” in the environment | 0/1 |
Straight walk | Alertness/initiative/straight walking when placed on the floor | 0/1 |
Round stick balance | Ability to balance on a round stick 5 mm in diameter for 10 s | 0/1 |
Beam balance | Ability to balance on a beam 7 mm in width for 10 s | 0/1 |
Beam walk (3 cm) | Ability to cross a beam (length × width, 30 × 3 cm) | 0/1 |
Beam walk (2 cm) | Ability to cross a beam (length × width, 30 × 2 cm) | 0/1 |
Beam walk (1 cm) | Ability to cross a beam (length × width, 30 × 1 cm) | 0/1 |
Maximum score | 10 |
N = 6 per group.