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. 2018 Feb 12;8(2):25. doi: 10.3390/bs8020025

Table 1.

Demographic data of participants.

Criterion Total EG CG
Numbers/percent N % N % N %
Participants 44 100 21 47.73 23 52.27
Gender female 37 84.10 19 90.48 18 78.26
male 7 15.90 2 9.52 5 21.74
Age M 25.89 24.95 26.74
SD 6.67 6.53 6.81
min/max 19/52 19/44 20/52
Subject/Major DMT 13 29.54 9 42.86 4 17.39
Music Therapy 24 54.55 5 23.81 19 82.61
Occu. Th. (OT) 7 15.91 7 33.33
Degree BA 23 52.27 10 47.62 13 56.52
MA 21 47.73 11 52.38 10 43.48
Previous experience with artistic media * 4.36 4.38 4.35

Notes. DMT = dance movement therapy, OT = occupational therapy, EG = experimental group, CG = control group, *assessed with the use of a rating-scale where “1” means “no previous experience” and “5” means “maximum previous experience, t-test and Chi-square test yielded that there were no significant baseline differences between EG and CG (all p-values > 0.279).