3-D reconstruction of the non-dominant right hemisphere. The dashed line illustrates the anatomical resection approach of cortico-amygdalohippocampectomy. In the non-dominant hemisphere, the resection is taken posteriorly to the level of the central sulcus along T1. In the dominant hemisphere, the T1 resection is no further posterior than the precentral sulcus in order to respect and preserve posterior language areas. Single star = central sulcus, double star = pre-central sulcus, T1 = superior temporal gyrus, T2 = middle temporal gyrus, PoC = post central gyrus, PrC = precentral gyrus, SM = supramarginal gyrus, ANG = angular gyrus, O2 = second occipital gyrus, which is the gyral continuum of T2 in the occipital lobe.