Temperature‐sensitive growth of the ths1 and lrs1 mutant strains. Cells of wild‐type (JY450), ths1 (JS167), and lrs1 (JS168) strains were streaked on nutrient‐rich medium, YE, and incubated at either 25 or 34°C for 3 days.
Ectopic induction of sexual differentiation in ths1 and lrs1 strains. Cells of the wild‐type, ths1, and lrs1 strains were examined microscopically after 3 days of incubation at 30°C on YE medium. Scale bar: 10 μm.
Mating efficiency of ths1 and lrs1 strains on nutrient‐rich medium. Cells of the wild‐type, ths1, lrs1, and tor2‐ts6 (JV303) strains were grown on YE medium at 25 or 30°C for 5 days, and mating frequency was measured. Mean ± SD values of three independent measurements are shown (total n > 300).
TORC1 activity in ths1 and lrs1 strains. Cells of wild‐type, tor2‐ts6, ths1, and lrs1 strains were grown in liquid YE medium at 25°C and subsequently transferred to 34°C for 4 h. Cell extracts were subjected to Western blot analysis using anti‐Atg13 antibody and anti‐phospho‐S6 kinase antibody. γ‐tubulin was used as a loading control.