Radiological response to carboplatin-vinorelbine chemotherapy. Chest CT scans during 4 successive periods of treatment with carboplatin-vinorelbine. a–d January 2017, before the 1st cycle. Four lesions are shown (red arrows): 2 intraparenchymal lesions (a, b), 1 lesion in contact with the second rib (c), and 1 lesion of the right posterior inframediastinal space (d). e–h April 2017, after 3 cycles. Regression of all 4 lesions. i–l June 2017, after 6 cycles. Continued regression of all 4 lesions. m–p October 2017, after 9 cycles. Stability of the intraparenchymal lesions (m, n), but progression of the inframediastinal lesion (p) and the lesion in contact with the second rib (o).