The localization of lysozyme and sPLA2 in the tracheal mucosa. In epithelium,
lysozyme and sPLA2 are immunonegative in cytoplasm of NC (arrows in a and b), GC
(large arrowheads in a and b), but a solitary NC immunopositive for lysozyme and
sPLA2 is visible (arrows in c and d). Lysozyme and sPLA2 are immunopositive in cilia
or microvilli, but are negative in cytoplasm of ciliated epithelial cells (small
arrowhead in b and arrow in e) and microvillous cells (large arrowheads in e and f)
and basal epithelial cells (asterisks in e and f). In tracheal glands, lysozyme and
sPLA2 are immunopositive in serous acinar cells (arrows in g and h), epithelial
cells of glandular ducts (arrows in i and j) and luminal contents in glandular ducts
(arrowheads in i and j). Bar=10 µm.