(A,B) HEK293F cells, transiently co-transfected with CD32B-SmBiT,
SHIP-1-LgBiT and CD79B (A) or CD32B-SmBiT, SHIP-1-LgBiT alone (B) on d0 were
stimulated with anti-CD79B IgG (AT105-1) or anti-CD79A IgG (ZL7-4) (20
µg/ml) on d1. Luminescence was measured at time 0 following substrate
addition, and at 5 minute intervals following stimulation. (C, D)
HEK293F cells, transiently co-transfected as in A) (C), or with ITIM-mutated
CD32B-SmBiT, SHIP-1-LgBiT and CD79B (D) on d0 were stimulated with anti-CD79B
IgG (ZL9-3 IgG) or F(ab’)2 (ZL9-3 F(ab’)2)
(10 µg/ml) on d1. Luminescence was measured as above. (A-D)
Left – schematic diagrams; right – fold inductions. Means ±
S.D. of technical replicates are shown, representative of 5 (A) and 4 (C)
independent experiments. (B, D) Control experiments performed at the same time
as A) and C) respectively, representative of 3 independent experiments.