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. 2017 Apr 21;66(1):1–32. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.rr6601a1


This figure shows the six CDC intervals and World Health Organization (WHO) phases that describe influenza pandemic progression, combined with application of the Influenza Risk Assessment Tool (IRAT) and the Pandemic Severity Assessment Framework (PSAF). The CDC intervals include 1) investigation, 2) recognition, 3) initiation, 4) acceleration, 5) deceleration, and 6) preparation. The prepandemic intervals include investigation and recognition, and the pandemic intervals include initiation, acceleration, and deceleration. IRAT is used during the investigation and recognition intervals, and PSAF is used during the initiation, acceleration, and deceleration intervals. The WHO phases include preparedness, response, and recovery. The interpandemic phase corresponds with initiation, the alert and pandemic phases correspond with response, and the transition phase corresponds with recovery.

Preparedness and response framework for novel influenza A virus pandemics, with CDC intervals and World Health Organization phases

Source: Adapted from: Holloway R, Rasmussen SA, Zaza S, Cox NJ, Jernigan DB; Influenza Pandemic Framework Workgroup. Updated preparedness and response framework for influenza pandemics. MMWR Recomm Rep 2014;63(No. RR-6).