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. 2017 Apr 21;66(1):1–32. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.rr6601a1


This figure is a flow chart showing the phased addition of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). If the influenza virus is seasonal or pandemic, regardless of the level or severity, the following NPIs are recommended at all times: 1. Personal A. Voluntary home isolation (staying home when ill) B. Respiratory etiquette (covering coughs and sneezes) C. Hand hygiene (washing hands with soap and water or use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available) 2. Environmental A. Routine surface cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and objects (e.g., tables, door knobs, toys, desks, and computer keyboards) If the influenza virus is a novel virus, the following NPIs might be added to those just mentioned (and are applicable to all levels of transmissibility and clinical severity): 1. Personal A. Voluntary home quarantine (household members of sick persons stay home for up to 3 days and then remain home if they become ill) B. Face mask use by ill persons for source control 2. Community A. School closures and dismissals B. Mass gathering modifications/postponements/cancellations C. Other social distancing measures (e.g., offering telecommuting in workplaces or seating students further apart in classrooms) The expected outcomes of all the mentioned NPIs are 1) reduced spread of infectious disease, 2) reduced load for health care facilities, and 3) reduced morbidity and mortality.

Phased addition of nonpharmaceutical interventions to prevent the spread of pandemic influenza in communities

Abbreviation: NPI = nonpharmaceutical intervention.